Land (763)
Land for Sale Bejjeh Jbeil Area 680Sqm
$40,000 / Cash OnlyLand for Sale Bejjeh Jbeil Area 680Sqm . It is about 18 kilometers away from the sea. It is about 14 kilometers from Aamchit, about 4 kilometers from the town of Ain Kfaa and about 2 kilometers from the town of Ghalboun.The advantage of this property is that it is closer to the town of […]
Land for Sale Bejjeh Jbeil Area 800Sqm. About 17 kilometers from the city of Byblos, about 24 minutes in the car. The land overlooks the country of Batroun and the surrounding mountains. Has the right to benefit from the passage of 6 neighboring properties.
Land for Sale Bechtoudar – Aoura Batroun Area 586Sqm
$40,000 / Cash OnlyLand for Sale Bechtoudar – Aoura Batroun Area 586Sqm. It is about seven minutes away from ( Saint John ) Douma Monastery. A beautiful view suitable for Building a private residence ( Small Villa ) Connected to the road, Electricity and Water.
Land for Sale Hadtoun Batroun Area 945Sqm
$42,000 / Cash OnlyLand for Sale Hadtoun Batroun Area 945Sqm. It is about 1000 meters above Sea Level and has a Paved Road Frontage. It is Slightly Elevated from the Road. It has a Beautiful View and is 3.3 km away from the Monastery ( Sts IIlge ).
Land for Sale Deir Billa Batroun Area 750Sqm
$45,000 / Cash OnlyLand for Sale Deir Billa Batroun Area 750Sqm. Within the Ifraz Project, it is Connected to a Paved Road, Electricity and Water . Deed. Unobstructed View and is about 750 meters above Sea level. The property is about 6.3 km from the Town of ( Hardine ) and about 13 km from ( Douma – […]
Land for Sale Hadtoun Batroun Area 1350Sqm
$45,000 / Cash OnlyLand for Sale Hadtoun Batroun Area 1350Sqm. The town of Hadton is located in the Batroun district of the city of Batroun. The court is about 22 km away, the town of Aamshit in the district of Jbeil is about 22 km away, the city of Beirut is about 67 km and it is 1100 […]
Land for Sale Niha Batroun Area 500Sqm
$45,000 / Cash OnlyLand for Sale Niha Batroun Area 500Sqm. A Distinctive Property, not Facing a slope ( Cedars Cant – Guesthouse ) . Close to the Niha Cedars. It has Cedar trees ( about 3 trees ), a Beautiful View, and a Small Part of the Road Leads to it, Which is not Paved. It is about […]
Land for Sale Kfoun ( Sarhit ) Jbeil Area 1300Sqm. A strategic hill overlooking the villages of Aabaydat – chamat and the sea and the valley of the separation, close to the holy shrines where there is an archaeological site for the St Mary. The property is semi-circular, with fruit trees and so on. It receives […]
Land for Sale Kfoun ( Sarhit ) Jbeil Area 1340Sqm. A strategic hill overlooking the villages of Aabaydat – chamat and the sea and the valley of the separation, close to the holy shrines where there is an archaeological site for the St Mary. The property is semi-circular, with fruit trees and so on. It receives […]
Land for Sale Ain Kfaa Jbeil Area 1070Sqm. It is about 400 meters above sea level, and the city of Byblos is about 17 kilometers away from the judicial center, which is 24 minutes in the car. Easy land at a small height, giving it a view among the mountains. They need to carry out the […]
Land for Sale Hadtoun Batroun Area 742Sqm. The town of Hadton is located in the Batroun district of the city of Batroun. The court is about 22 km away, the town of Aamshit in the district of Jbeil is about 22 km away, the city of Beirut is about 67 km and it is 1100 […]
Land for Sale Tannourine – Faouqa – ( Msateb -Ain Et Tillaje ) Batroun Area 2000Sqm
$50,000 / Cach OnlyLand for Sale Tannourine – Faouqa – ( Msateb -Ain Et Tillaje ) Batroun Area 2000Sqm. Away from the town (Tannourine Faouqa ) about seven kilometers . Rising about 2000 meters above sea level and about 40 kilometers from the capital of the judiciary city of Batroun. Away from the area (Hadath El Jebbeh ) […]
Land for Sale Ain Kfaa Jbeil Area 915Sqm. Close to the river, and from the valley, is close to Batroun district, a little downhill, the area amidst the picturesque nature of the green and the fresh air.
Land for Sale Hardine -Beit Kassab Batroun Area 721Sqm. 27 km from the city of Batroun is the village of St. Nematallah El Hardini. The land is beautiful and has good features and a suitable view to build a small house of 150 m 2.
Land for Sale Barhalioun ( Chira ) Bsharri Area 879Sqm
$50,000 / Cash OnlyLand for Sale Barhalioun ( Chira ) Bsharri Area 879Sqm. It is about 700 meters Above the Sea and Overlooks the Sea and the Mountain. It has a Road. It has Fruitful Trees. It has a 10*10 House about 100 Sqm on Columns. It is about 5 km from the village of ( Barhalioun ) […]